We offer postal exam assistance and postal study guide resources. This site is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). This information is provided only as an informational resource.
Disclaimer: This website is not associated with or affiliated with the USPS or U.S. Postal Service. We simply offer links to their site for easier, less confusing research.
Job fair for prospective letter carriers slated in Madison, Alabama
"Livescan fingerprints will be available 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Huntsville Main Post Office, 3408 Wall Triana Hwy, Huntsville, AL 35813
Enter the gate to the right of the main building and go to the rear building (Training Annex). You must stop at the gate. Call 256-464-0462 for assistance. ... Rural Carrier Associate (RCA) – At $20.38 per hour, an RCA will have to be able to work a flexible schedule and be available to work throughout the week (Sunday through Saturday). This position could be ideal if one is looking for steady employment with career advancement opportunities. "
Article Snip:The events will show how to find and apply for open positions. The fairs are open to both career and noncareer employees and will be held on Sundays on March 24, May 19, July 14 and Sept. 15. Each fair will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Eastern.
Sign language interpreters and closed captioning will be available, and after each fair, participants will be able to access a recording of it and the slides shown.
To participate in a fair, employees must complete an online registration form on MyHR, part of LiteBlue.
All participants must be current Postal Service employees and attend while off the clock. Participation is voluntary.
Article Snip:There are hundreds of positions to fill across the Bay Area and the U.S. Postal Service is hosting job fairs across to help seed a blossoming career for the next generation of U.S. Postal Service employees.
By joining the Postal Service, you will reap the benefits that a career with the Postal Service has to offer including health and retirement benefits, good pay, stable employment, training, and the ability for career advancement throughout the organization.
Can’t make it in person? Simply submit your application online at www.usps.com/careers. We will set a date to continue the application process so keep a steady eye on your e-mails after each application submission.
New post office opens in Royal Palm Beach
*Article Title:* * New post office opens in Royal Palm Beach*
*Article Snip:* *ROYAL PALM BEACH, Fla. — A new post office has opened in
the Village Hall ...