Disclaimer: This website is not associated with or affiliated with the USPS or U.S. Postal Service. We simply offer links to their site for easier, less confusing research.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Postal Job Postings for California
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Postal workers picket possible job cuts in Saginaw
Article Title: Postal workers picket possible job cuts in Saginaw
Article Snip: Dozens of workers picketed outside the post office building on Washington Avenue in effort to keep their jobs from moving to Lansing.
Reference: www.connectmidmichigan.com
Monday, November 30, 2009
Not postal employment, but DHL hiring 700
Article Title: Lexington DHL center could hire 700
Article Snip: DHL, one of the world's largest shipping companies, is opening a processing center in Lexington County that will employ 200 jobs initially, a number that could rise to 700, Lexington County officials said.
Reference: www.thestate.com
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Work for U.S. Postal Service
Article Title: Work for U.S. Postal Service
Article Snip: ...the U.S. Postal Service we know that talented candidates are looking for competitive compensation and a great benefits package. But we also know they’re looking for a challenging career. Our national career opportunities...
Reference: www.usps.com
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Post Office Temporary Christmas Employment
Article Title: Retail companies delay hiring for seasonal jobs
Article Snip: U.S. Postal Service. This year the agency had planned to hire 60 workers at the Bethpage Logistics and Distribution Center. Temporary casual mailhandlers earn $12 an hour, with extra pay for night shifts. More information is at usps.com/employment. (Click here to connect.)
Reference: www.newsday.com
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Free Master's Degree in Computer Science ...and pay
Article Title: Free Master's Degree in Computer Science ...and pay
Article Snip: obtain a full scholarship for a Master's Degree, receive a salary while in school, and begin a civilian career with an unlimited future.
Reference: federalemploymenttips.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 8, 2009
USPS Employment Accommodations: How Do I Make a Request for Reasonable Accommodation?
Article Title: Postal Jobs: How Do I Make a Request for Reasonable Accommodation?
Article Snip: "If you are an employee and believe you are a qualified individual with a disability who requires accommodation in the application process (including a Postal Service exam), in your job, or in a job you seek, make your request orally or in writing to your supervisor or manager. If you are applying for Postal Service employment, make your request to the examiner, selecting official, or local manager of Human Resources. Explain the nature of your limitations and the accommodation you need. (This request can also be made by someone on your behalf.)"
Reference: www.usps.com
Monday, September 21, 2009
USPS Jobs Don't Exist, Agency Says
Article Title: Scam Lures Hoosiers With Promise Of Jobs
Article Snip: Georgia-based Testing Authority offers a so-called study guide to help pass the postal exam with the promise of a full-time job, Call 6's Rafael Sanchez reported.
Reference: www.theindychannel.com
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
USPS Offers Retirement Incentive
The United States Postal Service is offering a $15,000 Retirement or resignation incentive to certain employees. The first installment will be $10,000 in November 2009 and the other $5000 will be one year later. Mailings will go out in the next few days to eligible employees. Stay tuned for more details. Update coming soon. The Postal Newsgroup
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Post Office Jobs: Explore and Find Jobs, Prepare for the 473 Postal Exam, and Locate ALL Job Opportunities
Title (Click->): Post Office Jobs: Explore and Find Jobs, Prepare for the 473 Postal Exam, and Locate ALL Job Opportunities (5th edition)
About This Book: describes the Postal Services' new automated online eCareer application system and examination process. This is the first book to cover the eCareer process; all Postal Exam books published prior to 2009 are outdated. This new edition includes a 473 Postal Exam study guide and provides all of the information needed to locate job vacancies, prepare for exams and explore all jobs including those that don't require entrance tests.
This updated edition covers all occupations from general maintenance and technicians to truck drivers, mail carriers, clerks, administrative and clerical positions. The author provides an insider's perspective of what it takes to go from job hunter to hired and everything in between. Damp worked 35 years for Uncle Sam. This is the only Postal Service career guide that includes related civil service jobs, a comprehensive 473 postal exam study guide, and provides online updates at postalwork.net, prepares the reader for interviews, and covers all occupations. Eight steps to finding a job:1) Identify suitable occupations, 2) Apply for multiple vacancies, 3) Complete online assessments, 4) Study for the 473 Postal Exam, 5) Consider casual temporary jobs, 6) Prepare for job interviews, 7) Apply for jobs that don't require exams8) Explore related civil service jobs.
The entire hiring process changed in late 2008. Entrance tests are still required, however, you now apply for specific job vacancies - not tests - and compete the initial assessment online when you first apply. Applicants are scheduled to take monitored computer based exams, if required, at local testing facilities. This book walks readers through the new process and prepares them for he exam.
Reference: Post Office Jobs: Explore and Find Jobs, Prepare for the 473 Postal Exam, and Locate ALL Job Opportunities (5th edition)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
USPS (Postal) Employment
Article Title: Work for U.S. Postal Service
Article Snip: ...If you’re ready to join a dynamic, thriving organization with a sense of history and a focus on the future, we’re ready to invite you to explore our career opportunities here at the U.S. Postal Service!...
Reference: www.usps.com
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Seeking a job? Beware of scams
Article Title: Seeking a job? Beware of scams
Article Snip: “2009 Postal Positions $14.80- $36.00 [per hour]. Federal hire [with] full benefits. No [experience]. Call Today!”
Reference: www.buffalonews.com
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
FedEx to open Olathe facility
Article Title: FedEx to open Olathe facility
Article Snip: FedEx SmartPost, a new subsidiary that uses the U.S. Postal Service for final delivery, is opening a facility in Olathe that’s expected to generate 71 full- and part-time jobs.
Reference: www.kansascity.com
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Senators should support Employee Free Choice Act
Article Title:
Senators should support Employee Free Choice Act
Article Snip: "...My aunt encouraged me to seek employment with the Postal Service, because it offered secure employment opportunities with good wages and benefits...."
Reference: www.bangordailynews.com
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
CALL FOR ACTION: Postal Service job scam
"...The commission says job seekers should know federal agencies and the Post Office never charge application fees. They never guarantee an applicant will be hired. Most positions do not require a competitive exam, but if they do the hiring agencies offer free study materials for those tests...."
Reference: www.winknews.com
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Postal Employment Job Search
This post is provided as an informational resource only. We are not affiliated with the U.S. Postal Service® . If you are seeking a job with the Post Office, their website provides the following link to begin your USPS employment opportunity search. The URL is: https://wd2-portal.usps.gov/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_unreg_job_search?sap-ep-themeroot=/SAP/PUBLIC/BC/UR/nw5/themes/usps_SMALL or Click Here
.Other links are as follows (as found on the USPS website):
Careers Sales and Marketing Jobs Employment Requirements Mail Processing Jobs
Sunday, April 12, 2009
'Postal positions' ads won't deliver on promises of a job
"...Job seekers don't have to pay to find out about postal service jobs. They are listed online at www.usps.com.
The postal service also provides a free test orientation guide for potential test-takers that includes sample test questions.
"They are not providing you with any information you can't get free," ..."
Reference: http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/pi/42638912.html
Monday, April 6, 2009
No postal jobs cut in Indiana
"...Indiana will be spared, at least for now, any job losses as a result of cutbacks within the U.S. Postal Service. ..."
Reference: www.indystar.com
Sunday, March 29, 2009
New Postal Voluntary Retirement VER for July 31, 2009
Postal News
Read it here: Postal Voluntary Retirement VER for July 31, 2009
ALL EMPLOYEES except Electronic Technicians (ET); Maintenance Mechanics, Mail Processing Equipment (MPE); Part-time Postmasters.
"... Please Note: The age and years of service criteria must be met by the effective retirement date of this VERA: July 31, 2009. If you don’t meet the criteria by July 31, 2009, you are not eligible for voluntary early retirement...." 
Source: The Postal Newsgroup
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Links to postal jobs, employment, and carreers
When searching for all postal careers with the postal service, they offer the following link: http://www.usps.com/employment/welcome.htm
When searching for mail processing jobs with the postal service, they offer the following link to assist you: http://www.usps.com/employment/maildeliveryjobs.htm
Monday, March 2, 2009
Jackson Businesses Looking For Potential Employees
Read More: WAPT.com
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Canton post office jobs
"...could eliminate 20 jobs at Canton’s main post office. Most of those jobs are slated to move to Akron. The switch would allow the Postal Service to get better use out of the sorting equipment at the Akron office...." READ MORE
Reference: www.cantonrep.com
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
How do I apply for an exam with the post office?
Mail Handlers, Clerks, Carriers, Mechanics and other employees, are classified as Mail Processing Jobs in the United States Postal Service. To work for the USPS (Post Office) you should look in local papers, college campus employment boards, or other forms of media for announcement notices.
The best way to keep up with upcoming employment with the Postal Service is the employment site of the USPS. itself. The URL is: http://www.usps.com/employment/ .
If you do not have an announcement number, but would like to see what jobs are open you can click "continue" or you can go here:
Once you have been directed to this page, you will enter the "State" in which you would like to work. If any exams are open, they will be listed here. Note: JOBS OPEN AND CLOSE QUICKLY - CHECK THIS SITE EVERY 7 - 10 DAYS!!
Once you select a "State" click "continue". If there are any positions open, you will click on the "announcement number". You will then add your personal information. Sometime after that, you will be mailed an employment package detailing the date, time, and place of the exam. This package will additionally contain a practice exam. We suggest at least one practice to familiarize yourself with the test. DO NOT BE LATE OR YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN!! After the exam you will be mailed your results.
For more information on USPS major entry-level jobs see Publication 60-A, Test 473 Orientation Guide for Major Entry-Level Jobs (PDF) | (HTML).
Friday, January 9, 2009
Website charging for info on US Postal Service Jobs
"...the Utah Better Business Bureau says Netspan Group Inc. out of Atlanta, GA is charging people for information that's already out there. It's on the US Postal Service website. Driggs says, “Realize that you can get this for free...."
Reference: www.abc4.com
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Be skeptical of online ads offering postal jobs
"..."Postal Inspectors warn that if you should call these promoters for "employment information," you are probably going to very disappointed. In most instances, you will find that you are going to have to pay about $30 to receive information of very dubious value. The con artists may lead you to believe you are talking to someone from the U.S. Postal Service, but no postal jobs will be offered."
For legitimate information about jobs with the Postal Service, go to the Postal Service's web site: www.usps.com/employment/welcome.htm..."
Reference: www.palmbeachpost.com