Disclaimer: This website is not associated with or affiliated with the USPS or U.S. Postal Service. We simply offer links to their site for easier, less confusing research.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Federal and Postal Employment Research Resource

If you are searching for employment with the U.S. Postal Service, you may also be interested in seeking employment with the Federal Government. Federal employees and postal employees are in the same retirement system and many benefits are closely matched. The potential for higher compensation and advancement in federal jobs appears to be equal or greater than that of postal employees. Federal Soup is a great resource for finding agencies that are hiring while at the same time, following employment and retirement in the postal system. Take a click on over and see if this will help in your employment search. LINK: Federal Soup

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Postmaster General Predicts USPS Payroll Failure by Fall

Article Title: Postmaster General John Potter leads a cry for retrenchment
Article Snip: By fall, the Postal Service won't have enough money to make payroll, Potter predicts.
Reference: www.washingtonpost.com