Article Snip: holiday period is from mid-November 2018 to early January 2019. Holiday openings include Casual Mail Handler at $16 an hour, Postal Support Employee (PSE) Mail Processing Clerks at $16.42 an hour and Mail Handler Assistant (MHA) at $15.46 per hour. Casual Carrier Assistant (CCA) positions start at $16.78 per hour and are temporary 1 year positions which can be renewed. Mail Handler Assistant positions also have a 1 year renewable term. Tractor Trailer Operators (TTO) are career positions which start at $21.94 per hour. Additional night premium and overtime for working over 40 hours in a week may apply. Applications will be accepted online at
March 27 | National Park Service Federal Jobs Webinar – Mastering the
Federal Job Application Process: How to Make Your Federal Resume Work for
Article Title: * National Park Service Federal Jobs Webinar – Mastering
the Federal Job Application Process: How to Make Your Federal Resume Work
for You!...
6 days ago